It was in the beginning, it started out from the initial attraction that made everything come together.. Then we tried to understand each other, the more we get closer, the more we start to wonder. We're exposed to a different person's world, their habits, their thinking and a whole new perspective of life.. When its too different from our world, that's extremely hard, not easy at all. To be honest, I don't think things will work out fine, it won't go the way you want, because we can't just change our principle, our vision and our value that we're raised up with so easily. Both of you will fight, quarrel to the extend you'd want to rip each others' head off, you'd want to make things right, the way you'd want it to be, but it won't. One of you had to make the change, a sacrifice, toleration and patience, when the other won't. At this point, I can't say things are good for you, I know how much you will suffer..We didn't change, our love didn't either, we just saw a part of each others world that we couldn't understand.
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Who said Love is easy?
It was in the beginning, it started out from the initial attraction that made everything come together.. Then we tried to understand each other, the more we get closer, the more we start to wonder. We're exposed to a different person's world, their habits, their thinking and a whole new perspective of life.. When its too different from our world, that's extremely hard, not easy at all. To be honest, I don't think things will work out fine, it won't go the way you want, because we can't just change our principle, our vision and our value that we're raised up with so easily. Both of you will fight, quarrel to the extend you'd want to rip each others' head off, you'd want to make things right, the way you'd want it to be, but it won't. One of you had to make the change, a sacrifice, toleration and patience, when the other won't. At this point, I can't say things are good for you, I know how much you will suffer..We didn't change, our love didn't either, we just saw a part of each others world that we couldn't understand.
Life's Highs...:)
1. Laughing hysterically
2. Dancing your heart out
3. Star gazing
4. Shopping
5. Going to the beach
6. Listening to the rain
7. Ice-cream on a hot day
8. Feeling wanted
9. Getting that warm, fuzzy feeling when you think about the one you love
10. Receiving text messages
11. Personal jokes
12. Compliments
13. Late night phone calls
14. Christmas
15. Hugs
16. Kisses
17. Knowing someone misses you
18. Knowing someone is thinking of you
19. Good dreams
20. Skipping school for a day
21. Lying on the grass starring into the sky
22. Going up to the snow
23. Jumping into a warm bed on a cold night
24. Seeing your guys/girls name on your mobile when it rings
25. Your first kiss
26. Talking for hours about absolutely nothing
27. Looking back on the laughs
28. Receiving presents
29. Giving presents
30. Birthdays
31. Air conditioning when it's hot
32. Being full of energy
33. Seeing your boyfriend/girlfriend
34. Watching someone do something stupid, and them thinking no one saw
35. Nice smelling perfume/cologne/deodorant
36. Good hair days
37. Turning on the radio to hear that your favorite song is being played
38. Running into an old friend
39. Strolling along the pier at night
40. Finding Rs 500 on the ground
41. Being home alone
42. Reading a good magazine
43. Sun baking
44. Sleeping in
45. Watching the sun come up
46. Seeing a shooting star
47. Waking up to find the person you love in your arms
48. Weekends
49. Holidays
50. Jumping on a trampoline
51. Sitting in front on the fire on a cold evening
52. Smell of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies
53. Singing into your hairbrush in your room
54. Bubble baths
55. Turning up your stereo as loud as it will go
56. Being so happy it makes you cry
57. Summer
58. Finally completing something you started a long time ago
58. Achieving a long time goal
59. Warm nights
60. Falling in love...
21 Very Important Things To Remember! :)
1. No One Can Ruin Your Day Without YOUR Permission.
2. Most People Will Be About As Happy, As They Decide To Be
3. Others Can Stop You Temporarily, But Only You Can Do It Permanently.
4. Whatever You Are Willing To Put Up With, Is Exactly What You Will Have.
5. Success Stops When You Do.
6. When Your Ship Comes In.... Make Sure You Are Willing To Unload It.
7. You Will Never Have It All Together.
8. Life Is A Journey...Not A Destination. Enjoy The Trip!
9. The Biggest Lie On The Planet When I Get What I Want I Will Be Happy.
10. The Best Way To Escape Your Problem Is To Solve It.
11. I've Learned That Ultimately , 'Takers' Lose And 'Givers' Win.
12. Life's Precious Moments Don't Have Value, Unless They Are Shared.
13. If You Don't Start, It's Certain You Won't Arrive.
14. We Often Fear The Thing We Want The Most.
15. He Or She Who Laughs......Lasts.
2. Most People Will Be About As Happy, As They Decide To Be
3. Others Can Stop You Temporarily, But Only You Can Do It Permanently.
4. Whatever You Are Willing To Put Up With, Is Exactly What You Will Have.
5. Success Stops When You Do.
6. When Your Ship Comes In.... Make Sure You Are Willing To Unload It.
7. You Will Never Have It All Together.
8. Life Is A Journey...Not A Destination. Enjoy The Trip!
9. The Biggest Lie On The Planet When I Get What I Want I Will Be Happy.
10. The Best Way To Escape Your Problem Is To Solve It.
11. I've Learned That Ultimately , 'Takers' Lose And 'Givers' Win.
12. Life's Precious Moments Don't Have Value, Unless They Are Shared.
13. If You Don't Start, It's Certain You Won't Arrive.
14. We Often Fear The Thing We Want The Most.
15. He Or She Who Laughs......Lasts.
16. Yesterday Was The Deadline For All Complaints.
17. Look For Opportunities.. Not Guarantees.
18. Life Is What's Coming....Not What Was.
19. Success Is Getting Up One More Time
20. Now Is The Most Interesting Time Of All.
21. When Things Go Wrong.....Don't Go With Them.
Life :)
Life Isn't Always Friendly. Learn To Smile And See It From The Right Angle. You'll See Your Life Isn't That Hard
There Are So Many Things Can Make You Happy. Don't Focus Too Much On Things That Make You Sad.
A Very Small Thing Can Ruin Everything. Never Underestimate Every Single Thing In Your Life!
Happiness Is More Important Than Smile Because Smile Comes From Lips But Happiness Comes From Heart. Be Happy Forever
A Person Cannot Cross His Life Without Wetting His/Her Eyes.
Fight For Your Dream, Protect It, Defend It, Reach It, And I Promise You'll Make It Through.
The Fact That You Cant Kiss Your Elbow Is Enough To Make You Realize That Some Things Seem To Be, Yet They're Bound To Be Beyond Your Reach.
Life Is Short, Smile While You Still Have Your Teeth.
It's True That We Don't Know What We've Got Until We Lose It, But It's Also True That We Don't Know Wat We've Been Missing Until It Arrives.
This Is The Problem With Getting Attached To Someone, When They Leave You Just Feel Lost.
Instead Of Thinking About What You're Missing, Try Thinking About What You Have That Everyone Else Is Missing
Life's Not Fair. You Can't Dictate Your
Heart What To Feel, But You Can Always Feel What Your Heart Dictates You.
Don't Be Too Honest Because, Straight Trees
Are Chosen First For Cutting !!" Think Over It.
Haters Should Be Your Motivators!
People Wonder Why It's So Hard For Me To
Trust Others, While I Wonder Why It's So Hard For Others To Keep Their Word.
A Good Life Is When You Assume Nothing, Do
More, Smile Often, Dream Big , Laugh A Lot, & Realize How Blessed You Are
For What You Have.
Life Is About Trusting Your Feelings,
Taking Chances, Losing/ Finding Happiness, Learning From The Past, And
Realizing People Change.
The Best Feeling In Life Comes When You
Find Yourself Happy Without The Thing Which You Once Needed The Most.
If U Expect The World To Be Fair With You
Because You Are Fair, Its Like Expecting: The Lion Not Eat You Because You Dont
Eat Lion ....:-(
Never Regret Having Chosen The Wrong People
In Your Life Because No One Can Teach The Right Lessons Better Than Them!
Life Is A Long Path With Construction Sites
Along The Way..But U Will Eventually Get Past Them And Move On...
Don't Be Too Honest Because, Straight Trees
Are Chosen First For Cutting !!" Think Over It..
Be Careful Of Your Thoughts; They May
Become Words At Any Moment.
Never Take Anything In Your Life For
Granted, Because You Never Know When It Can Be Taken Away From You Forever.
To Love Without Condition, To Talk Without
Intention, To Give Without Reason, And To Care Without Expectation...
Never Allow Anyone To Beat You Down And
Make You Feel Worthless.There No Greater Love Than Self Worth!
People Not Only See How Good Or Bad You Are
From What You Do, But Also From What You Don't Do
When You’ve Finally Found Someone Good,
Don’t Go Looking For Someone Better.
If You Cry At Trouble, It Grows Double. But
If You Learn To Laugh At Trouble, It Will Disappear Like A Bubble.
Life Says It Every Time: Nobody Is Perfect.
Talking About Someone Is Like Bouncing A
Basketball. Talk The Truth, Or It Might Bounce Back At You.
Life Is Not Always Easy, Death Is! And That's
The Reason Why Life Is So Precious.
Life Is Too Important To Be Taken
Attitude Is A Little Thing That Makes A Big
God Created Your Life. And You're In Charge
Life Is Too Short To Safely Remove Hardware
Surround Yourself With Only People Who Are
Going To Lift You Higher. Life Is Already Filled With Those Who Want To Bring
You Down.
L.I.F.E. (L)Ive (I)T (F)Ully (E)Veryday
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