Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

Who said Love is easy?

It was in the beginning, it started out from the initial attraction that made everything come together.. Then we tried to understand each other, the more we get closer, the more we start to wonder. We're exposed to a different person's world, their habits, their thinking and a whole new perspective of life.. When its too different from our world, that's extremely hard, not easy at all. To be honest, I don't think things will work out fine, it won't go the way you want, because we can't just change our principle, our vision and our value that we're raised up with so easily. Both of you will fight, quarrel to the extend you'd want to rip each others' head off, you'd want to make things right, the way you'd want it to be, but it won't. One of you had to make the change, a sacrifice, toleration and patience, when the other won't. At this point, I can't say things are good for you, I know how much you will suffer..We didn't change, our love didn't either, we just saw a part of each others world that we couldn't understand.

Eleven Hints for Life :)

1. It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return.
But what is more painful is to love someone and never
find the courage to let that person know how you feel.

2. A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who
means a lot to you, only to find out in the end that it was
never meant to be and you just have to let go.

3. The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a
porch swing with, never say a word, and then walk away
feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.

4. It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose
it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been
missing until it arrives.

5. It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an
hour to like someone, and a day to love someone-but it
takes a lifetime to forget someone.

6. Don't go for looks, they can deceive. Don't go for wealth,
even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you
smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day
seem bright.

I've learned :)

I've learned that we don't have to change friends,If we understand that friends change.

I've learned that something that you do in an instant, can give you heartache for life.

I've learned that you should always leave loved ones with loving words, it may be that last time you see them.

I've learned that we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel.

I've learned that either you control your attitude, or it controls you.

I've learned that my best friend and I , can do anything or nothing and still have a good time.

I've learned that sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you are down, will be the one who helps you get up.

I've learned that sometimes when i am angry i have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.

I've learned that just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them too, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

I've learned that maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had and what you learned from them, and less to do with how many years you have lived.

I've learned that it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others, but sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.

I've learned that just because two people argue, doesn't mean they don't love each other. And just because they don't argue, it doesn't mean they do love each other.

I've learned that you shouldn't be so eager to find out a secret, it may change you life forever.

500 Reasons Why I Love You. Do U Need Anything Else :)

1. I Love The Way You Keep Your Cool Whenever I Do Stupid Things.
2. I Love The Fact That I've Met You During The Craziest Time Of My Life And You Changed It All In Just A Mili-Second.
3. You're So Adorable.
4. I Haven't Met Your Mom But I Know We'd Get Along JUST FINE.
5. You Memorized My Phone Number. I Don't Even Remember It.
6. Thank You For Being Stupid Enough To Not Leave Me When All I Do Is Hurt You.
7. I Love Your Smile…. I Seriously, Seriously Do.
8. I Know You Like It When I Sweet Talk. Ha!
9. Because You're Never Mad At Me.
10. The Tattoo? Rockin'!
11. The Way You Lose Your Accent When You Sing.
12. You're Cuddlesome.
13. You Make Me Worry.

14. You Make Me Jealous.
15. Because You Never Gave Up.
16. You're The First And Last Person I Think About.
17. You Keep Me Sane.
18. I Love Your Accent.
19. I Love Your Asian Accent, Haha If You Know What I Mean.
20. Your Lips Are Enough To Make Me Melt.
21. How You Listen To Me Talk Nonsense For Hours.
22. Made My Summer Unforgettable.
23. Sorry If I Told You "Tennis" Is Stupid. I Just Didn't Want You To Leave.
24. I Seriously Still Don't See Why You Liked Me.
25. Thank You For Waking Up 4 Or 5 In The Morning Just To Talk To Me. I'm So Sorry.
26. For Making Me Smile.
27. I Love How You'd Call Me Just To Say You Love Me.
28. You Never Played Games With Me.
29. I Like How A Hug From You Would Drown The Frustrations From A Bad Grade.
30. I'm Sorry I Have Corny Jokes.
31. I Know I'm Annoying But I Never Heard You Say It Even Though I'm Most Annoying To You.
32. I'd Go Vegetarian For You.
33. I Learnt That Vegetarians Are Stupid. (No Harm Meant. )
34. You Are Asian.
35. Love The Way You Say, "Baby".
36. Opposites Do Attract. Proven!
37. How You Correct My Spellings.
38. How You Correct My English.
39. How You Always Finish My Sentences.
40. The Way You Sing….. Mmhh, Can't Even Describe How Much It Makes My Heart Beat A Hundred Times Faster.
41. I Can't Go On A Day Without Talking To You.
42. Your Intelligence.
43. You're My First And Last.
44. It's Always Nice To Wake Up In The Morning Knowing I'll Get To Talk To You.
45. How You'd Give Me Kisses Whenever I Would Ask For One.
46. How You Love Adobo.
47. How You Think Filipinos Are Cool.
48. How You Think Filipinos Are Funny.
49. How I'm Your Favourite.
50. How You're Able To Get Me To Open Up.
51. How You're Able To Make Me Write All This.
52. I Can Be Myself Around You.
53. Because I Think You're Funny. XD
54. You Never Get Mad At Me When I'd Make Fun Of You.
55. You Care About What I Feel.
56. You Worry About Me
57. You'd Wait For Me.
58. I Love How I'm Actually Scared Of You. Is That Weird? Nevermind, It's Hard To Explain.
59. Nothing Else Matters When I'm With You.
60. You Don't Look For Attention.
61. You're Mature.
62. You're Funny In Your Own Little Way.
63. You're A Good Influence In Me.
64. We're Perfect Together.
65. You're Good For My Future Kids.
66. How You'd Actually Call Just To Ask How I Am After A Big Night. Really Sweet.
67. You're A Christian.
68. You're The Only Good Thing I Have.
69. When I Met You, I Hardly Ever Remember What Sad Feels Like.
70. Because You Play Guitar.
71. Because You Play The Keyboard.
72. Because You're Creative.
73. Because You Can Draw.
74. You're My Best Friend
75.I Owe Everything To You.
76. You Excite Me.
77. Because You Let Me Watch You Sleep.
78. Because You Let Me Watch You On Cam.
79. Because You Sing For Me.
80. Because You're Brave Enough To Tell Me That What I Do Is Stupid.
81. But Seriously, My Idea Of A Good Night Is Just You And Me.
82. You're Amazing.
83. I Can't Imagine My Life Without You.
84. I Can Stay Forever In Love With You.
85. I Will Not Regret Anything I Had With You.
86. I Can Tell You Anything.
87. You're Never Boring.
88. You're More Than Just A Pretty Face.
89. I Can Fight Against The World Just To Be With You.
90. You've Given Meaning To My Existence.
91. You're Honest.
92. You're Beautiful.
93. You Trust Me.
94. I Trust You.
95. You Spoil Me Too Much.
96. Miracle… You're A Miracle.
97. Because I Am Truly By Far The Luckiest Person In The World.
98. Your Innocence.
99. You Added Me Back On Facebook.
100. The Way You Were Able To Open Up To Me The Things You'd Like To Do Before You Die.

Hurt :)

It's Really Painful To Say Goodbye To Someone That You Don't Want To Let Go But Its Even More Painful To Ask Someone To Stay If They Never Wanted To Stay.

Unfortunately, We Believe The Liars, Trust The Backstabbers, And Like The Heartbreakers We Are All Just Stories In The End.

Drifting Apart From People You Once Used To Be So Close With Sucks.

It Sucks When You Miss Someone Who Does Not Miss You Back.

There's Always Going To Be That One Person You Always Want To Be With Even After You Find Out They Don't Want To Be With You.

My Feelings For You Are Like A Boomerang. Whenever I Try To Get Rid Of It By Throwing It All Away, It Constantly Finds A Way To Get Back.

You Have Given And Taken A Lot From Me. You Gave Me A Reason To Smile, But You Took Away My Ability To Love Anybody Else.

They Say Time Heals All Wounds, But All It's Done Is Give Me More Time To Think About How Much I Miss You.

I Hate Those Moments Right Before You Go To Sleep, When You Are Forced To Think About All The Things You Tried So Hard To Forget.

People Think That If You Love Somebody Hard Enough, Then Everything Is Just Gonna Work Out. People Are Wrong

Who Knew That The Person That Kills Me Inside Is The Person I Need In Order To Live?

People Cry Not Because Love Ends, But Because It Still Continues, Even If It's Over.

Forgetting Someone Is Impossible. You Remember Everything. You May Not Think Of Them For Years At A Time, But You Don't Know How To Forget.

No Matter What They Do Or What They Say, Or How Many Times They Hurt You, You Can't Let Them Go Because They Just Mean So Much To You.

When U Get Attracted To Sum1. U Will Realize What Is Love.. When That Sum1 Starts Avoiding U.. U Will Realize What Is Life.

Loneliness Is A Special Enjoyment When Chosen By Ourself..!! But Hard To Digest When Gifted By Others...

Relationship :)

Silence Between Two Unknown People Creates A Relation, But, Silence Between Two Known People Breaks The Relation.
Apologizing Doesn't Mean That You Were Wrong, Or The Other Person Was Right. It Means You Value Your Relationship More Than Your Ego

In A Relationship, You Have To Accept The Other Person For All Of Who They Are And Not Just The Parts That Are Easy To Like.

6 Keys To A Great Relationship: Friendship, Freedom, Honesty, Trust, Understanding, And Communication.

When Nails Grows, We Cut Nails, Not Fingers. Similarly, When Ego Starts Rising, We Should Cut Ego, Not Relations.

Relationships Are Not Made; They Are Built Out Of Love, Trust, And Caring.

Make Sure The Effort Is Two-Way. If Only One Person Wants To Keep The Relationship Alive, It Will Never Work.

When We Get Too Caught Up In The Busyness Of The World We Lose Connection With One Another And Ourselves.

Relationships Fail Not Because They Are Destined To Fail. They Failed Because One Of The Two Or Both, Made A Choice To Give Up

A Good Relationship Isn’t When A Perfect Couple Comes Together But When An Imperfect Couple Learns To Enjoy Their Differences

Relationships Don't Mean That People Have Everything In Common. It's What Makes Them Different That Makes Them So Special.

Love :)

40 Tips For Better Life

40 Tips For Better & Healthy Life: Here you can know about the best tips for better and healthy life